
Welcome Everyone!

I am Allan McCracken, husband, father, entrepreneur, painter, and driving instructor. Hoping to share with everyone the joy and mental relaxation that painting has brought into my life.

“paint it beautiful + improve mental health”

The addiction started when a friend gave me a tester of Fusion Mineral Paint. That tester pot of Fusion changed everything. After painting, I was done. No topcoat required and I could go on to another piece. I wanted to share this new-found excitement with others so I researched many brands of paint and experimented only to find that the first tester of Fusion is made locally and owned by the nicest people.

We opened New Life Painted Furniture in May 2015. It has been so much fun teaching workshops, one-on-one consultations, and custom painting furniture for people. In July 2018 we added the Fusion Mineral Paint to our booth #6 at Market Road Antiques in Waterloo. Spring of 2020 presented a new challenge that had me spend 3 weeks learning how to create this website. I want it to be easy for you to navigate and find the inspiration and products you desire.

We are also on Facebook and Instagram.

Please call, text or email anytime you have questions or concerns. 519-292-1528 or

Thank you for looking over our webpage.

- Allan & Liz McCracken